Electricity company in 89424 zip code - NIXON Energy Providers will help you to find best available electricity company offer service in 89424 Zip Code (NIXON Nevada).

This page listed all the energy service providers that can offer Service in zip code 89424 NIXON Nevada area along with their all plans, prices and reviews.

Choose one of the company after scrutinize their details, compare their plans, offers and save lot of money. Please contact the electricity company to confirm the service.

89424 NIXON Nevada on MAP

Electricity Company with their plans in zip code 89424

Search Result - electricity Companies in Nevada

NV Energy

NV Energy is a public utility, it provides electricity and gas in Northern and Southern Nevada and has served more than 1.5 million customers. Service area covers nearly 46,000 square miles. NV Energy headquarter located at Las Vegas. Customer Service, Employee Commitment, Environmental Respect, Regulatory Integrity, Operational Excellence, Financial Strength are core principles of NV Energy. NV Energy ranks in the top 25% of all utilities, according to Edison Electric Institute's "System Average Interruption Frequency Index" and the "System Average Interruption Duration Index" comparisons.


Email: -

Phone: 7024025555

Address: P.O. Box 10100 Reno, NV 89520 P.O. Box 98910 Las Vegas, NV 89151-

Plan Name
Standard Electric Rate
NN - $0.09735 / kWh, SN - $0.11109 / kWh
Termination Fees
Special Offer

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