Electricity company in 83814 zip code - COEUR D ALENE Energy Providers will help you to find best available electricity company offer service in 83814 Zip Code (COEUR D ALENE Idaho).

This page listed all the energy service providers that can offer Service in zip code 83814 COEUR D ALENE Idaho area along with their all plans, prices and reviews.

Choose one of the company after scrutinize their details, compare their plans, offers and save lot of money. Please contact the electricity company to confirm the service.

83814 COEUR D ALENE Idaho on MAP

Electricity Company with their plans in zip code 83814

Search Result - electricity Companies in Idaho


IDACORP, Inc. is a holding company formed in 1998 to enable us to compete in both the regulated and non-regulated worlds of's net income was $82.34 million in 2007. IDACORP headquarters in Boise, Idaho.This diversified company is built upon a tradition of service, innovation and dedication that has grown at Idaho Power since 1916 when the all-electric utility began serving the people of southern Idaho and eastern Oregon.



Phone: (208) 388-2200

Address: Mailing:
P.O. Box 70
Boise, ID 83707-0070

1221 W. Idaho St.
Boise, ID 83702-5627

Clearwater Power

Clearwater Power Company serves 11 counties in 3 states (Benewah, Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, Shoshone in Idaho; Asotin, Garfield, Whitman in Washington; Wallowa in Oregon.) Company was founded in 1936. Clearwater Power Company (first called Clearwater Valley Light and Power Association). Clearwater Power has 3.64 Average Number of Accounts per Mile of Line. The mission of Clearwater Power Company is to provide its member / consumers with safe, reliable, cost-based energy and related services. This is a non-profit company and democratic organization. At Clearwater Power, they believe thay are owned by those whom they serve and work to reflect that in everything they do.



Phone: 1-888-743-1501

Address: 4230 Hatwai Road • PO Box 997
Lewiston, ID 83501

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