Electricity company in 32802 zip code - ORLANDO Energy Providers will help you to find best available electricity company offer service in 32802 Zip Code (ORLANDO Florida).

This page listed all the energy service providers that can offer Service in zip code 32802 ORLANDO Florida area along with their all plans, prices and reviews.

Choose one of the company after scrutinize their details, compare their plans, offers and save lot of money. Please contact the electricity company to confirm the service.

32802 ORLANDO Florida on MAP

Electricity Company with their plans in zip code 32802

Search Result - electricity Companies in Florida

Florida Power & Light

Florida Power & Light Company is the largest electric utility in Florida and one of the largest rate-regulated utilities in the United States. FPL serves approximately 4.5 million customer accounts in Florida and is a leading employer in the state with more than 10,000 employees. The company consistently outperforms national averages for service reliability while customer bills are below the national average. A clean energy leader, FPL has one of the lowest emissions profiles and one of the leading energy efficiency programs among utilities nationwide. FPL is a subsidiary of Juno Beach, Fla.-based NextEra Energy, Inc.


Email: -

Phone: 954-581-5668

Address: -

TECO Energy

TECO Energy Inc. is an S&P 500 energy-related company.TECO Energy is a leading energy company located in Tampa Florida. company has four core businesses. Florida utility businesses include: Tampa Electric, a regulated utility serving nearly 677,000 customers, and Peoples Gas System, Florida's largest natural gas distributor serving more than 340,000 customers.TECO Coal is a coal mining company with operations in Kentucky and Virginia.



Phone: 1-877-588-1010

Address: Tampa Electric
P.O. Box 111
Tampa, FL 33601-0111

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