Electricity company in 06602 zip code - BRIDGEPORT Energy Providers will help you to find best available electricity company offer service in 06602 Zip Code (BRIDGEPORT Connecticut).

This page listed all the energy service providers that can offer Service in zip code 06602 BRIDGEPORT Connecticut area along with their all plans, prices and reviews.

Choose one of the company after scrutinize their details, compare their plans, offers and save lot of money. Please contact the electricity company to confirm the service.

06602 BRIDGEPORT Connecticut on MAP

Electricity Company with their plans in zip code 06602

Search Result - electricity Companies in Connecticut

Connecticut Natural Gas

CNG is a dynamic company Delivers natural gas to 155,000 customers in central Connecticut.Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG) is a natural gas distribution company that delivers natural gas and energy services. CNG is a subsidiary of UIL Holdings Corporation, headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut. UIL acquired CNG from Iberdrola SA, a global energy company headquartered in Bilbao, Spain, in 2010.CNG currently maintains an operations center and administrative offices in East Hartford; a satellite office in Greenwich and a liquid natural gas storage facility in Rocky Hill.


Email: -

Phone: 860-524-8361

Address: P.O. Box 9245
Chelsea, MA 02150-9245

United Illuminating

The United Illuminating Company (UI) is a New Haven-based regional electric distribution company established in 1899. UI is engaged in the purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity and related services to 325,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Greater New Haven and Bridgeport areas.UI's parent company, UIL Holdings Corporation, is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol UIL.


Email: -

Phone: 1-800-676-7052

Address: The United Illuminating Company P.O. Box 1564 New Haven, CT 06506-0901

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